Gluten Free Flour

Gluten Free Flour

gluten free flour

Gluten is a group of proteins found in some grains such as wheat, rye and barley. It is he who is responsible for the stickiness and splendor of the dough. The more gluten in the flour, the easier it will be to make a dough from it, which will then turn into airy pastry. The highest grade wheat contains about 30% gluten, so pastries made from it are the most fluffy and soft. Shubam Agro Industries is the best Gluten free flour supplier in India.

What is Gluten Free Flour?

Gluten is also used in preparing sauces and other thickening products. Gluten is also a major component of the Seitan dish, a flour that washes away all the starch and leaves only the protein.

However, for some people, gluten is an allergen that the body fights - intestinal functions are disturbed, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals are absorbed worse than usual, which is why you should refuse products containing this ingredient.This is how gluten-free flour appeared - an alternative to the product that we are used to, which is not inferior in quality.

What are the benefits of gluten-free flour and the harm of such a diet?

Such flour is suitable primarily for those who have completely abandoned products containing gluten, for example, people suffering from celiac disease - a disease of the digestive tract, as well as gluten intolerance.

The use of products with wheat protein for an allergic person can result in intestinal disorders, bloating and cramps, flatulence and frequent migraines. Once gluten-containing foods are eliminated from the diet, the state of health improves and the symptoms disappear.

However, it is important to note that if there is no gluten intolerance, then there is no reason to completely switch to a gluten-free diet - this will not bring noticeable results. Some people believe that avoiding gluten improves mental health - in particular, such a diet is often recommended for schizophrenia, autism and other neurological diseases, but there is no evidence to support this point of view.

It is also believed that with the exclusion of gluten from the diet, the following results can be achieved:

  • • Normalize pressure.
  • • Reduce cholesterol and sugar levels.
  • • lose weight.
  • • Improve the state of the hormonal background and endocrine processes.
  • • Eliminate muscle pain, migraine.
  • • Normalize digestion.
  • • Prevent dementia and atherosclerosis.
  • • Protect yourself from cardiovascular diseases.

But there are always two sides to the coin, and you should not forget about the dangers of a gluten-free diet: giving up gluten can lead to a lack of useful minerals and vitamins. Therefore, if you decide to completely switch to such a diet, we advise you to protect yourself by including foods rich in fiber , iron, calcium, and B vitamins.